Wednesday, September 25, 2013

{ eat play sleep repeat & dream } A chenille chevron quilt & pillow cover

There have been sooo many new babies in my group of friends this past year. 
Babies in my mind = gifts!

A good friend asked if she sent me materials if I could make her a blanket for their {team green} baby to be. Ummmm yes! Of course!

 I wasn't happy with any one blanket style, so I ramped it up a notch and combined two styles of blankets into one! Not only appliquéd words, but a fun flannel chenille back in chevron pattern.

As well as a one of a kind quilted pillow case, for her to use {with a travel pillow inside} on her rocking chair. (The pillowcase has the word dream appliquéd onto it.)

The photos she sent of her baby GIRL with the quilt are stunning! <3 What a cutie don't you think?!
Photos courtesy of

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I just make it up as I go!

So it all started when I couldn't find the perfect little yellow sweater for my toddler. And by perfect I mean yellow. No yellow cardigans?! None, zip, zilch, nada. Say what! Doesn't the fashion industry realize that the vaguely putrid mustardy shade of yellow is trendy?! So I went in search of some yellow yarn to knit one...but the shades I found locally were in the wrong thickness of yarn.

Next option, t-shirts! While not the mustard yellow I wanted, they're still yellow, a cheery sort of yellow but not neon or too bright! These shall do. I bought two of them in the next size up because she's in-between sizes, and well, it'll be going over the top of other clothes so the extra wiggle room shouldn't hurt.

Then I procrastinated. One got dirty, and washed and dried. And they sat here. I scoured the Internet for examples of what I wanted the front of this t-shirt makeover to look like but never really found 'the' inspiration. So I'm going to make it up as I go. Wish me luck!