Thursday, January 2, 2014

Grey Skies

Losing our son Grayson was like being struck by lightening. It’s not something you ever expect to happen to you. No one ever tells you that babies die before they’re born. Not to me. Not our family. I’ve never even been stung by a bee, never broken a bone! I don’t drink. I don’t do drugs. Our life, our hopes, and all of our dreams were shattered in an instant.
I will never forget the screaming I heard that morning. Hearing those three words uttered: “There’s no heartbeat.” makes the screams rip through my mind as if they were happening all over again this very moment. They were mine. My screams. Instead of giving birth to life, I labored for 24 hours to deliver death. Hello meant goodbye all in the same second. While the hospital floor echoed with the screams of new babies, our room was silent. Instead of walking out with our arms and hearts full with joy and excitement, we left empty handed. With tears running down our faces, our hearts tattered in pieces, we were forced to walk away leaving our baby behind. We had to explain to our other children why their baby brother was being buried in the ground instead of growing up alongside them.
Our son died at almost 37 weeks of pregnancy. The finish line. We don’t have any definitive answers as to why our son died. He tested negative for any genetic conditions. He looked like a perfect newborn baby should. Only he never got to take his first breath. I would do anything to be able to find out why he died, but since there’s no test that’ll give us me that answer, I am faced with the reality that I will never know. Another layer to add to the already debilitating grief, and self doubt that follows the loss of a child.
Eighteen months have passed since our son died. Not a day goes by that his death doesn’t affect us. It has shaped who we are. Redefined us. Broken us. That feeling of brokenness. Oh, that feeling. Of complete heartbreak, disappointment and utter failure every month that passes by.
You see, we still haven’t been able to become pregnant.
We only wanted one.more.child. What was never something we ever had an issue with before, has become an ugly phrase. It’s not a diagnosis. It’s a white elephant in the room that mocks us wherever we go. We watch in pure agony as moms coo coo at their babies in stores and doctors offices. Pregnant women seemed to be everywhere. Baby aisles and products with pink cherub faces taunt us from their shelves. As if lightening were striking for a second time in the same place. Unexplained secondary infertility has become our new reality. Our second loss of sorts. The loss of the hopes and dreams to pick up the pieces and attempt to move on. Instead, we’re left with an indescribable yearning to see those two pink lines, and to give birth to a living breathing child. It’s enough to drive one mad. And sometimes I am mad. We were robbed. Robbed of our child, and now maybe our fertility.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

A little rain cloud of love

 For some, babies born after the loss of a child are referred to as "Rainbow Babies." The idea is that the baby is like a rainbow after a storm. The name lovingly conveys the understanding that the beauty of a rainbow does not negate the ravages of the storm. When a rainbow appears, it doesn't mean the storm never happened or that the family is not still dealing with its aftermath. What it means is that something beautiful and full of light has appeared in the midst of the darkness and clouds. Storm clouds may still hover but the rainbow provides a counterbalance of color, energy and hope. 

So on that note, I designed this set of gifts for a lovely friend's rainbow baby that began with that concept of rainbows but ended with my own twist. 

Without clouds there is no rain, without rain you can't have a rainbow, and without a rainbow the world would be without hope. Since rain reminds me of tears. Tears of pain and despair turned into tears of hope & joy, the little hearts here are a playful and fun representation of the tears lovingly shed not only for her loss but for the joy that new life brings.

 Original design by Cambria Laine.
Baby mobile cut from poplar, hand painted, with ribbons hand stitched into place.
^ Cloud heart longies and modified aviatrix baby hat ^

^Hand stitched wall hanging (wool felt & T-shirt jersey)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

{ eat play sleep repeat & dream } A chenille chevron quilt & pillow cover

There have been sooo many new babies in my group of friends this past year. 
Babies in my mind = gifts!

A good friend asked if she sent me materials if I could make her a blanket for their {team green} baby to be. Ummmm yes! Of course!

 I wasn't happy with any one blanket style, so I ramped it up a notch and combined two styles of blankets into one! Not only appliquéd words, but a fun flannel chenille back in chevron pattern.

As well as a one of a kind quilted pillow case, for her to use {with a travel pillow inside} on her rocking chair. (The pillowcase has the word dream appliquéd onto it.)

The photos she sent of her baby GIRL with the quilt are stunning! <3 What a cutie don't you think?!
Photos courtesy of

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I just make it up as I go!

So it all started when I couldn't find the perfect little yellow sweater for my toddler. And by perfect I mean yellow. No yellow cardigans?! None, zip, zilch, nada. Say what! Doesn't the fashion industry realize that the vaguely putrid mustardy shade of yellow is trendy?! So I went in search of some yellow yarn to knit one...but the shades I found locally were in the wrong thickness of yarn.

Next option, t-shirts! While not the mustard yellow I wanted, they're still yellow, a cheery sort of yellow but not neon or too bright! These shall do. I bought two of them in the next size up because she's in-between sizes, and well, it'll be going over the top of other clothes so the extra wiggle room shouldn't hurt.

Then I procrastinated. One got dirty, and washed and dried. And they sat here. I scoured the Internet for examples of what I wanted the front of this t-shirt makeover to look like but never really found 'the' inspiration. So I'm going to make it up as I go. Wish me luck!